Somatic support for those who hold others
for deeply aligned action that changes the world
I support space holders to create aligned, sustainable action for a more loving world.
Support to grow confidence in your abilities, be guided by your deepest wisdom, and fuelled by your innate power.

Welcome, Love
Changing the world begins within.
But it doesn’t end there.
Sharing that change widely, supporting others wholeheartedly and just being part of this world is complex.
The energy required to create and hold healthy spaces for this work asks a lot/ is immense.
It calls for deep wells of compassion.
It calls for rebellious choices.
Resilience and responsibility.
And love.
What space holding asks of us
It needs Love
This work asks us to be with the harder parts of humanity. To understand and be able to bear witness to deep emotions and complex stories.
To hold all of that with love.
It requires a rebellious spirit
It requires us to go against the grain, to be with challenge, to break patterns (including our own). To imagine what’s possible for the world and to speak up for it when others think it’s unrealistic.
Fierce self responsibility
Doing this work means we have to commit to looking after ourselves, on all levels. To again and again bring awareness to our bias and our BS so we can support others with theirs. To be boundaried, and to hold the humility to know that we can't do it alone.
Softness of heart requires strength
To create space and then fiercely protect it requires energy, strength, dedication, resilience. It demands courage, to commit again and again even when we are heartbroken.
About Cat Moyle
I am a truth-seeker, deeply committed to spreading more love in this world.
Not the kind that exists as an idea in the mind, but the earthy, human, challenging and messy kind that opens you right up and changes the world around you.
The body leads. I teach, share and hold somatically lead spaces for us to remember our wholeness, reconnect to our loving power and change the world by being a full presence in it.
It's peace work, and we do it through the body

My work plugs you into your wisdom, opens your heart, increases your capacity to handle the inevitable ups and downs of your chosen path and reconnects you to your power to bring your intention all the way through into action.
And it's this that really brings change.
At it’s core, this work is foundational.
Getting into your body can help you recognise your patterns
Getting into your body so you can work with your emotions
So you can begin to understand who you are and why.
And then act on that.
The tools I use:
Somatics, breath, meditation, movement, energetics, coaching, mentoring, humour, swearing, connection.
If this feels in alignment, here are some ways to explore my work.
Hands on
If you want to experience my hands-on / in-person work, I am based in Bristol / South West.
new here?
If you're brand new to working with your body...
If you prefer to work online...
If you are interested in working with me but don’t know where to start...