Success stories

Gemma Barry
I am in a completely different relationship with my work now, the sessions helped me unearth why I was in freeze, and to soften around it - to let go of some things that were getting in my way and let new ideas in.I saw how my patterns show up and learn how to be with myself with the most self compassion.I am able to commit to showing up for my work in a more honest way, starting my day more gently, taking breaks and being in a much healthier relationship with it all.
Freeze to freedomRead my story
Karen de souza
“Having moved from Social Work which is highly regulated and into a field where there is a high degree of autonomy this guidance was something I felt I was lacking. I still sought as always to maintain my professionalism and ensure business ethics in my work with clients and was looking for some support around that.
Being mentoredRead my story
Diana Gabrijolavičiūtė
"I really enjoyed sharing ideas with Cat and getting support. And it was good to be reminded that there are beautiful professional people doing this work out there in the world. It was a pleasure. I left the coaching series with practical and creative ways of supporting myself in the future and more clarity about some difficult choices I need to make in life."
How I got clarityRead my story
Sarah Hughes
Cat helped me understand my thought processes using different techniques such as meditation and breathing techniques and writing which I found immensely helpful.
Read my storyColin M
I just wanted to say that the two sessions I joined were so well run and a good mix of practical, interactive & informative
You also hold the sessions together well It's been really useful in my quest to reconnect with my embodied-self and balance up the amount of time I spend in my head/thoughts
Read my storyNora Sorensen
I really enjoyed being part of the group and the regularity of the sessions.
I love the gentle caring nature Cat has.
(O Spa 2021)
I learnt compassion for myself, all the awareness that I have a choice on how to respond to my overthinking. And I loved the work with the elements.
I am aware of the natural elements in my daily life and know that I can balance myself out. I am more compassionate about myself.
Read my storyGraham Litchfield
After amanae sessions or 5 day intensives in the past, the drive home gives me a chance to reflect on what has happened, a chance for all the energy to move into more comfortable position. It usually takes my mind and body a little longer to evaluate what has happened in these sessions, than being able to articulate it directly after the fact in the circle. So the drive home gives me some kind of meditative time for perspective.
This happened last night on the journey from Exeter to Birmingham.
I really awoke to the many ways that I give my power away so easily, without even a thought.
Dumbing myself down in order to not cause conflict or competition, being overly shy and essentially putting myself on a lower rung than everyone else - this can also create pain for the other involved. Constantly giving up my opinion, my choice - in order that someone else can get what they want - I guess to some degree that's ok - but self care also means self respect, and if I give myself away so obliviously, then I have no real respect for my own wants and desires and can end up resenting my myself and maybe other people involved too.
I found some self respect, and self love and care at the workshop yesterday, that I realised on the drive home.
Women are the ones that I generally give my power to - I guess my subconscious thinking previously was the trying to please, nice guy kind of thinking - something that I knew the downfalls of both intellectually and experientially - but my subconscious patterns were so deeply embedded that in a life situation, common sense and experience get completely ignored 😂
On the drive home, I reflected and became aware of (in a new way) how I give people, women particularly - the 'remote control' for my life, I give myself on a plate and basically say - take what you want and put the rest in the bin.
Now, how I feel is to be in control of myself - to take back my remote control - MY remote control. To say no. To not give away my power, just to have the empty batteries thrown back in my face.
The pure power workshop yesterday has awoken my awareness of myself in ways that are at the moment only possibilities - but I'm deeply grateful to you both Laura and Cat for arranging, staging and so professionally holding the day and the space yesterday.
Read my storyClaire (NZ)
My heart chakra feels different as though it has been cleared out and it is open here and elsewhere - I'm conscious that I'm connected with another dimension! I'm going to try to hold on to feeling of my huge treasure chest of gold for as long as possible. Thank you
Read my storyPippa King
(HS2HS programme)
I loved Cats gentle and grounded energy, the way she held a space for sharing that felt inviting, nurturing and the way she always finds a way to invite a deeper level of awareness, acceptance and gentleness with myself than I'd thought of or felt before. I loved the group sharing, it somehow touches and gives recognition and permission to those unacknowledged parts of myself to come forward to be seen, heard and felt.
I reconnected with the language of my heart and how subtle, gentle and loving it is compared to my heads critical voice.
It felt like a warm and welcoming group that felt more relaxed and open each week as we shared the journey.
I've learned to listen in a slower way with a deeper awareness of the subtleties to listen too. I've learned a deeper level of kindness and permission of self for all aspects of me to be present and acknowledged.
I'm more aware of when my head is trying to run everything and pause to run things past my heart and body too, to check in with all parts of myself and to be kinder, less judgemental of myself.
Read my storyRachel Fearn
(O Spa 2021).
I really enjoyed the opportunity to share my experiences with others and hearing theirs. Committing to something that helps me focus and understanding the elements and how to use them.
I liked the way everyone was free to communicate as and when they wanted. Really liked the tone and structure.
Because of the programme I am learning to be kinder to myself and more focused
Read my storyVanessa Barford
Amanae is indescribable it's so energetically powerful! I've had 2 treatments with Cat and after I've felt like a different person or should I say I'm back to what feels like my true self. It's incredibly shifting and shedding and it really feels like it's purging the rubbish out my body physically, emotionally and energetically. Cat holds space in a way where I feel very safe and that anything is welcome. She makes you feel very held and supported during and after treatment!! Highly recommend!!! - Vanessa B (UK)
Read my storyLinn E
My takeaway from today and from this week is how much power there can be in small movements.
Read my storyAnon
“This is such important work and I am so grateful to have participated in the Women and Niceness circles. Erika and Cat are extremely talented facilitators: they embody the work they teach and create a safe and fun space for exploring, learning and sharing. It has been so powerful to join together with other women to start to decondition ourselves from the roles we have played and to break free from the bondage of ‘nice’. This work is helping me to step more and more fully into my truest, most alive, powerful and unapologetic self, and for that I am deeply grateful. Thank you.”
Read my storyElaine Waters
Great sessions - thank you so much Cat and everyone for wisdom and lovely energy xxx
Read my storyShanti Tula
Whether guiding us in practices of movement or stillness, through principles from science or art, talented embodiment coaches Erika and Cat are the nicest women you will meet. Too nice, in fact. But that is how the world has shaped them to be from the outside in. It is not who they are when they shape themselves from the inside out. When they are centered and grounded in their own agency, they transform from a flat caricature of "too nice" into their full, three-dimensional, authentic, compassionate, brave, perfectly imperfect selves. For myself and the dozens of other regular participants in Erika and Cat’s circles throughout the pandemic, their embodied modeling in wholeheartedly sharing their gifts with integrity has served as an inspiring, humbling, and steady reminder to follow in their loving lead by embracing the dignity of our own beingness as humans.
Read my storySarah Camilleri
Thank you Cat… you have made this look effortless! You have helped me to ground again this week and take some rest. Also good to meet the group. Thank you Sarah x
Read my storyGemma Merryn Ellis
One of best things I ever did was stumble upon the Women and Niceness Embodiment Circle. Lead by Erica and Cat who are both so wise, intelligent, funny and honest. Inspiring women from around the world to rest upon such a significant topic, which has an empowering effect. The experience was educational which continues to grow in my life long after the circles are over.
Read my storyAnon
“This feels so profound: receiving what’s already there, I don’t have to prove myself, I am worthy just because I am alive”
Read my storyEmma Williams
I feel alive !!!
Noticeably softer and more full of joy.
Very interesting work.
Really enjoying the after math.
Read my storyKevin
I had the pleasure of watching one of your embodiment sessions online. I love your style of delivery, really open-hearted and down-to-earth.
Read my storyJulie Fentiman
(HS2HS programme) I felt peaceful and optimistic after each class.
I learnt how to listen to my heart.
I felt very safe. The atmosphere was set each week at the beginning as a very safe place
It’s massively helped me to be aware of listening to my heart and being quiet enough to hear. Head and heart are more balanced.
Read my storyCarole Davies (Amanae)
Hello Cat - and thank you again for the Amanae session yesterday. I didn't know what to expect and was really reassured by your clear and comprehensive explanation of the process. I hope it's OK to share with you some of what I've experienced. As I said yesterday, my immediate impression was that while you made contact with relatively few points on my body, the overall result was that I felt my whole body had been paid attention to and had responded to the attention. The impact of the treatment has definitely lasted well into today (Sunday), although it's quite hard to describe what that impact is. It feels as though I am moving more slowly through the world somehow, and in a more 'embodied' way - ie my mind has not been quite as racy and chaotic as usual, and I've been more aware of (and have paid more attention to) how parts of my body are experiencing, say, the act of walking, or how it feels to be sitting on a train. And not by making an effort to pay that attention, but it's just the way it's been. I know that might sound a bit vague, but the effect as I experience it is clear and distinct, and has a general feeling of mind/body integration, which is something I've been pursuing for a while (and continue to aim for). Being released from the tyranny of an overactive mind for at least a little while is such a relief and has felt very nurturing.
Read my storyLucy B
Its been wonderful (and surprising) to connect with love on so many levels, not just romantic love, but love for our homes, love for our community and love for ourselves... thank you Cat x
Read my storyAlexe Reichert
I can't recommend Cat highly enough! Feeling truly relaxed and amazing after my massage, and baby is too
Read my storyLauren Angelli
Your talk at the embodiment conference was shifting for me, I saw a lot of me in your talk, and then being able to access my heart following practical tools was helpful. I've listened to your audio recording on your website a few times already.
Read my storyAine Horner
that was life-changing …. Opened my heart for the first time!
The workshop facilitated by Cat was out-of-this-world… literally! For the first time in my life, I felt my heart softening and opening, and I began to feel who I really am, what the power of love is, and how to allow magic to flow through me. She has a powerful capacity to hold the most incredible space for everyone, to know that fine balance between support and intervention, to be able to hold people in the space where transformation occurs, in a way that feels so safe to find self-expression. Her gifts are transformational, and the workshops are too. I had never experienced a heart-opening workshop before, and have not experienced this since in other workshops, Cat has a truly unique gift to allow attendees to connect with self in a super-deep level, to get to know our self, to be vulnerable and find truth. If you ever get the chance to be in a workshop space with Cat, grab it with both hands.
Read my storyLouisa Buhagiar
I am so happy I had a chance to experience Cat's classes at the Malta Film Academy. My head felt so much more clear after her sessions and I became more aware of how myself and the people around me were feeling. A few weeks have passed but I still use the techniques she taught us! Thank you Cat!
Read my storyMalini Drury
My experience of a treatment with Cat has always been one wrapped up in genuine interest in my needs and a lot of care. During the Amanae session, she was lovingly checking in, holding the space as a very safe container for exploration of the physical discomforts that arose and how they related to my experience. With her knowledge and guidance, the trauma or blockages causing the discomfort could be moved and released along with their physical sensation in the body. Cat is evidently a very dedicated therapist and coach and I would certainly recommend her.
Read my storyNaomi Lawson
Thanks so much for helping me begin 2024 in an embodied, conscious, and gentle way - the session on Friday was magic and I’ve felt really grounded and content since.
Read my storyFinn Glendon
I have been meaning to say the healing you gave me was one
of the most profound healing experiences I have had. The warmth
and love I felt when you laid your hand on my solar plexus keeps
On revisiting me.
You have a very special gift and a lovely nature so when you set sail
again soon things will work out.
Read my storySham Larikl
(Amanae) "I had no expectations going into the session but feel `that I was able to release my emotions that I had been holding up inside for quite some time. First step towards mental rehabilitation"
Read my storySadie Tichelaar
Cat was able to gently but surely bring me to a space I had not explored for a while and examine what I found there in ways that felt beyond what I could have done on my own. I felt lovingly held and encouraged to boldly explore my edges, letting go of what I no longer needed and making space to receive what I wanted to come next. The afterglow echoed and flowed around me for some time afterwards in beautiful and unexpected ways.
Read my storyTracie McCollin
(O Spa 2021) I really enjoyed being in a a female space that felt warm inviting , safe it also felt intimate and relax. I enjoyed exploring the different themes and how the elements was incorporated .I made new discoveries about myself . I felt a trusting container was created which made the sharing process easy.
Cat is easy going informative well paced intuitive interesting very welcoming and compassionate. Excellent coach very knowledgeable. I liked when you added additional explanation about the different modalities etc.
I feel that the programme helped me to know myself even more . i have a more positive attitude to challenges-ie i know they will challenging but i aim to meet them on my terms ie not to let them consume me but assert an angle where I have a handle on them regardless. Calmness and peaceful approach.
Read my storyAlison James
"I have treatments with Cat and they are just the most transformative style of bodywork I have had. It literally catapults my healing as I use it alongside talk therapy to unstick things that words can not necessarily express
Read my storyAlison James
I am so grateful to know you, thanks so much for facilitating such a massive shift yesterday, I can not begin to explain just how much lighter everything is. I woke up today and for the first time in years my heart feels hopeful and joy is accessible. Thanks so much for your time and care x
Read my storyGuillaume Garin
I have done an Amanae session with Cat, and what a great journey it was! She manages to help you connect with emotions that may stand quite deep, and get it back to the surface. All within an environment where you feel safe, supported and unjudged. The session definitely acts as a way to bring more clarity in your life. Highly recommend her.
Read my storyGrouped list
“I reconnected with the language of my heart and how subtle, gentle and loving it is compared to my heads critical voice.
I love how the group that felt more relaxed and open each week as we shared the journey.
I've learned to listen in a slower way with a deeper awareness of the subtleties to listen too. I've learned a deeper level of kindness and permission of self for all aspects of me to be present and acknowledged.
I'm more aware of when my head is trying to run everything and pause to run things past my heart and body too, to check in with all parts of myself and to be kinder, less judgemental of myself”
“I felt peaceful and optimistic after each class. I learnt how to listen to my heart.
It’s massively helped me to be aware of listening to my heart and being quiet enough to hear. Head and heart are more balanced.”
“I have a new way of experiencing myself - one which is not wholly brain/mind-based, but instead has the space for emotion to be felt and not suppressed.
The programme helped me be more willing to accept that the heart (and emotions generally) can have a positive and important role to play in my life, rather than just being something to be 'dealt with' or 'processed'. “
“I have learnt to stop and feel things rather than just avoiding it. I am listening to my body”
I feel serene & tranquil & have been enjoying the heightened senses that being outdoors in nature gave me. I was more observant & sensitive to communication. I also felt very optimistic in the following days. This was a great boost as I have been very low lately. I also felt very emotional, like I released a lot of problems I was hanging on to. I have learned some tools to let go and that is great”.
Read my storyBarbara W
(HS2HS 2021) Cat is an open minded and open hearted coach.
I learnt that the heart knows the answer.
I definitely feel more connected to my heart, feel my needs and I am not that much stuck in my mind like I was before. Can be more with my feelings
Read my storyTracie McCollin
I attended today's session with the intention of working through a specific inquiry about endings and beginnings. However, halfway through the session, a different inquiry emerged -one that I hadn't considered. I honoured the direction of what was emerging in my body. During a breath practice, I was freed of a stuckness that has been with me for a while. Since the session ended at 11 a.m., I have had clarity and flow in my writing and in creating content for my business. The body really does know best. Thank you, Cat, for the part you played in making this happen
Read my storyVasilis
It’s been something over a month since I visited Cat for Amanae sessions. At this point, I feel that it’s the right time to lay a few words about my experience.First of all, the warmth and familiarity Ι felt once I met Cat helped me amazingly to gain strength and defeat my fears about the outcome of the therapy. Even though I had previous experience with Amanae, you never know what you will have to face if something intense comes up. Since I’m suffering with chronic muscle tension, inner tension and low energy for quite a few years I am determined to heal myself totally. That’s why I chose Amanae in the first place.Cat would not only do the bodywork but she helped me immensely with discussing about each session afterwards. I had 5 sessions in a row with her and I had different experience during each one. Some were calm and relaxing, others where more intense and emotional. Since Amanae works and after the end of the sessions I’m still experiencing old stuff being worked deeply inside.Every week I feel slight changes and I’m trying to process them by self observation. I’m sure though that I need to do more of this work and I’m already planning my next Amanae sessions. Cat, I can’t thank you enough, not only for the bodywork but for the courage and support you offered me.
Read my storySandra F
Cat’s massage was one of those very rare sessions you get when you really feel your mind, body and spirit got what they needed. Deep tissue but not invasive. She is intuitive and knows her way around so I felt I could really relax and let her do her thing 🙂 I felt so light afterwards and super relaxed. She is very professional, skilled and caring. Loved every minute and have since then been dreaming of booking my next one.
Read my storyLisa C
“I thought it would be strange to do this work online but Cat made me feel very supported. She spent time helping me create a space in my home we could 'work in' and offered really wonderful support during and after the session, looking forward to my next session.”
Read my storySamantha B
Truly magical hands by a highly experienced and intuitive holistic therapist who takes care of your whole self and not just your physical ailments. Extremely professional. Highly recommend.
Read my storyMary A
Cat I still don’t know what happened (nor do I feel the need too) but I am immensely grateful for you and your gifts. Still working on the processing just letting it do it’s thing. Feel like I’m finding my feet a bit more though in my new vibration. Have definitely been singing and getting out in nature which is a big thing for me. I have been noticing my heart space during meditations especially when I’m feeling a little down.
Read my storySophie B
Hello! I am still so blown away by what happened. Can’t really explain it to anyone properly but know that something monumental shifted. My head has felt quite spacious since if that makes sense - like something has gone and there is room for new. I have also felt v tired and the need to be a bit gentle - quite hard being around my stroppy teenagers! The morning after you left I had another huge release and awareness - something so blindingly obvious to me now but just hadn’t been clear before. My heart feels very different too - larger, resonant and open!
Read my storyLisa
I thought it would be strange to do this work online but Cat made me feel very supported. She spent time helping me create a space in my home we could ‘work in’ and offered really wonderful support during and after the session, looking forward to my next session.
Read my storySarah H
Since the workshop I have learnt to stop and feel things rather than just avoiding it. I am listening to my body.
Read my storyMichelle B
Cat’s hands definitely have the healing touch. She’s very intuitive and not invasive, and will give you the full low down on what she felt through your body. A massage is such a personal experience and Cat’s professionalism makes you feel at ease instantly. 5 stars it is.
Read my storyMichelle T
Great job! It was a lovely (online) circle and so settling. You made the circle very warm and welcoming, thank you.
Read my storyLes
This workshop is unique in that it touches each person there in a different way, it is not trying to force you into any direction but rather letting you delve deep into your own mind and soul. We don't do this enough in life, and this workshop gives you that guided, safe place where you can explore yourself peacefully.
how to describe the workshop...testing, uncomfortable, driving and enlightening the process I went through on the day was mine and I will take that with me forever, I had realisations on that day that has pushed me into embracing my own changes and getting to know this new and improved version of me. (Opening the Heart Workshop, Malta 2019 - face to face)
Read my storyMelpo
I have enjoyed working with Cat so thoroughly. Her down to earth spirit, her soft kind eyes, the space she holds and the techniques she gently weaves throughout the sessions provide such a refreshing alternative as a way of gaining meaningful insights and as a way of accessing one’s own inner wisdom compared with the headyness of so many talk therapies. Although the work can at times feel so subtle it is deeply profound and has left me with a strong heart felt gratitude for you and the work you bring into the world. Thank you Cat x
Read my storyPhilippa K
“My heart feels even more open than before and I have a subtle shift in awareness of another yet deeper level of connection with all of the world around me. I would recommend this process to anyone wishing to experience deep, powerful healing, to shift deep held patterns or to connect more deeply with their inner most being. Thanks Cat for this wonderful experience.”
Read my storyKate G
Where has amanae been all my life?! It’s utter magic. Thanking my lucky stars it found me, and thanking YOU for opening me up to it. You are magic. It’s like having pulled a bit at a little thread and then realising your whole outfit is unravelling. (In a good way.) I’m totally baffled by the depths of what I experienced in that three hours workshop and by the reverberations I’m still feeling. I don’t quite have the words (still!) but feel like I somehow saw myself for the very first time. I feel like something seismic shifted, or was unlocked, or was re-birthed. Again, I can’t explain it but I feel like I’ve been super sensitive to loads of little realisations in the past few days - kind of like joining dots I couldn’t see before about who I am and why I’m here. Any time I’ve felt myself nudging back into old pattern or chain of thought in the past couple of days, I feel like I can recall the sense of being in that chapel - what I felt, and what I felt in everyone else. The support. And what I’m now referring to as my “unravelling”...!
Read my storyKen
What struck me about Cat’s delivery of Amanae is that she co-creates the experience with you so clearly and effectively. In delivering her treatment Cat will constantly communicate with you, inviting you to meet her touch with focus and intent. This inherently makes you part of the process and makes the treatment more effective as a result.
Read my storyGuillaume
Being an avid traveler and massage lover, I have been lucky enough to spend time in the best spas in the world. I can tell that Cat is really standing as my favourite therapist ever. I have been going there for more than a year now: every session is different and tailored to my needs. It is just pure happiness and relaxation.
Read my storyJasmine J
The (Gentle Sunday) Be:Held session, was just that and all it implies. Gentle feels into the body, letting go of the mind and its chatter. Inviting a softness into the heart and calming the nervous system with guided walks through the woods of of our minds to the heart centre. Using chant and somatic movement to move through the tunnels of stuck emotions and pathways of disillusioned core beliefs. Being held in a sacred space with like minded souls is just heaven on Earth. To be heard, seen and given safe space to validate yourself. Its truly beautiful heart work. Safe, and loving embodiment practices and detachment from the ever exhausting thoughts and mind processes at its finest. Cat you are an angel on Earth, thank you for your work.
Read my storyElizabeth P
Cat Moyle is one of my favourite teachers who, through her bodywork contributes to an important part of my self care up the very fabric of my self care. Cat’s wisdom in bodywork is genuine – her focus is mindful to my ever changing individual needs.
Read my storyCarole D
Since the session my mind has not been quite as racy and chaotic as usual, and I've been more aware of (and have paid more attention to) how parts of my body are experiencing, say, the act of walking, or how it feels to be sitting on a train. And not by making an effort to pay that attention, but it's just the way it's been.Being released from the tyranny of an overactive mind for at least a little while is such a relief and has felt very nurturing (Amanae Session 2021)
Read my storyKaren
I felt and expressed what I hadn’t given myself the space to do and you gave me space and in that something that means so much to me. I feel more able to express, to be and connect to what it means to me to be a woman. Which is the most wonderful gift.
Read my storyDini
Cat’s one of the most amazing, authentic, experienced, well-trained and extraordinary therapist, always finding the perfect combination of what your body, mind, soul needs at the particular session. I went once for a massage, and have made it a regular must-do/go ever since every time we are in Malta. Her hands are most healing, her attitude most professional and her sessions a real body, mind and soul treat.
Read my storyCarole
A fascinating, caring, transformative experience which can open your heart and introduce you to a new way of experiencing life (Head Strong to Heart Smart 2020)
Read my storyLaura
Cat holds amazing space for you to let yourself come completely undone and regroup in whichever way you need to.
Read my storyAshmi
Cat is so gentle and loving, she holds space in the most beautiful way for us to bare our uncomfortable things at her 'altar' to be transformed. Thank you so much for being there for us to be vulnerable together (Head Strong to Heart Smart Programme - Summer 2021)
Read my storyAine
“For the first time in my life, I felt my heart softening and opening, and I began to feel who I really am, what the power of love is, and how to allow magic to flow through me. She has a powerful capacity to hold the most incredible space for everyone, to know that fine balance between support and intervention, to be able to hold people in the space where transformation occurs, in a way that feels so safe to find self-expression. Her gifts are transformational, and the workshops are too. I had never experienced a heart-opening workshop before, and have not experienced this since in other workshops, Cat has a truly unique gift to allow attendees to connect with self in a super-deep level, to get to know our self, to be vulnerable and find truth.
If you ever get the chance to be in a workshop space with Cat, grab it with both hands. ”
Read my storyAdrian R
After leaving the workshop I was very gentle with myself & took a long walk with a friend & his dog. I felt very serene & tranquil & enjoyed the heightened senses that being outdoors in nature gave me. I was more observant & sensitive to communication. I also felt very optimistic in the following days. This was a great boost as I have been very low lately. I also felt very emotional, like I released a lot of problems I was hanging on to. I learned some tools to let go and that is great.
Read my storyCarmen
It was an awesome experience both for me and for my husband and the feeling is that of unexplained calmness. After a day off work I usually end up with a lot of stress however today I am very much in control and REALLY calm and relaxed. I have recommended you to my colleagues. I look forward to my next session. Thanks for your thoughts and it was a pleasure to meet you.
Read my story